Learn about how I got to start this site from scratch,
my journey into the personal finance space,
what I’ve learned so far,
and how I love to transfer the knowledge wealth to you.
I am Your Money & Finance Expert
Have a finance question? Just saw the word!
With 10+ years in the finance industry as a Financial Advisor, Ebony is the go-to person for any money questions.

According to recent statistics, finance is the #1 reason couples file for divorce in America today. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. I know many families have a difficult time when it comes to money conversations. My goal is to make the entire process easier to manage and comprehend, so they can be happy, stay married, and have a more fulfilling life. And for the single folks out there, I promise, I haven’t forgotten about you.
My Journey
Growing up, I’ve always been fascinated by money. I would find odd-jobs to work on over the summer. My friends will do the same thing but end up spending all of their money buying stuff. Not me! I know how hard I worked for my money, so I end up investing my summer income in the stock market. And that paid off!
I soon realized the power of compound interest as I saw my money grew, and I was so passionate about learning how to earn passive income. My first book on money that my mom recommend was Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. It was an eye-opener! Then I read The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason and The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley.
I was hooked! I started sharing everything I learned with my friends and family and saw how simple it was for every middle-income American to be millionaires and multi-millionaires. It’s simple! But I didn’t say it’s easy! Over the years advising people, I’ve come to realize that most American’s are not willing to make drastic changes in their financial habits to get to where they need to go. The good news is, they don’t have to! The key to money and building wealth is time, so the sooner you start, the faster you can get there.
With the age of working from home in this economy, I decided to reach more people and help more families get on the right financial track by sharing what I know on a larger scale.
So I found this domain on GoDaddy and purchased it.
It turns out that the previous owner used to cover content on finances, so it ended up working in my favor. I hope I can join you in your quest for financial freedom!

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